Thursday, June 5, 2008

WHO will benefit? WHO foots the bill?

The concept is entirely funded by the private sector but it has very public benefits. For instance, the finished project would have a new 800 metre “north-facing” swimming beach, two protected family-safe beaches, a 3.2 kilometre public fishing platform, a new surf reef, new public boat launching ramps, a performing arts centre, two new primary schools, a network of pedestrian and cycle paths, a five-star-hotel and a convention centre.


Anonymous said...

I write in favour of your new Marina development. The area certainly needs up grading from the tired old precinct that is there now. It is an eye sore, and with our magnificent coastline being in such demand, it deserves to become a feature we can all be proud of.

I have had the privelige of visiting similar features overseas and they are all regarded as “jewels in the Crown” of that City.

I’m concerned about a portion of the public’s reaction to the cost of the North Port Quays concept.

It seems to me that there is a misconception that the $10 Billion or whatever cost will be born by the people of WA, and that the money could be better served by upgrading the health system or new freeways etc.

I believe you need to stress your promise that the costs will be totally born by the Developers.

I hope you succeed with your proposal.

Anonymous said...

Let's just get the place completed and forget about the detractors, nothing will ever get done in Perth if the minority get there way all the time as is the case at the moment.

I think that you will find that this project will attract a great deal of support.

Anonymous said...

Can I congratulate the instigators of this project on their courage to propose and fund such a far reaching concept, in the full knowledge that ALL such development concepts will receive the mandatory negative comments we now take for granted, regardless of the projects’ merit.

I hope the Government at large will not treat this idea with the sniffing contempt shown by our Premier. His immediate reaction was cause for real concern.

How can he be so positive about the Perth Foreshore project, and so dismissive of something like the North Port Quay concept.

I sincerely hope he has’nt painted himself into a corner to the point where pure pride and political embarrassment prohibits him from changing his attitude.

I hope your great idea receives the serious examination it deserves!!

Anonymous said...

I was told yesterday by a well respected ex Member of Parliament that North Fremantle used to be referred to as PONG ALLEY and widely considered to be the "poor relation" to Fremantle CBD and the worst place in Fremantle. He then said that this project will make it the best place not only in Fremantle but in the entire State.
So what is the motivation behind McGinty's and Carpenter's immediate rejection of the proposal? What are the facts they have to oppose it and how can they just dismiss what is a serious proposition that is fully privately funded and contains significant benefits for the State's coffers as well as the people of WA by stating that they "don't like it" so it won't happen? Do we live in Western Australia in 2008? What did our forefathers fight wars and die for?? So people could be free to have a choice that's why! The Premier and Attorney General should resign in disgrace.

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Anonymous said...

this is a good idea as long as all the relivant envrionmentla factors have been taken into consideration,before any development go`s ahead.For example, is there enough green space to accuomidate resdidents leasure activities and peace of mind?Are all the sustianablity factors achiveable, without bieng sold out, to vesterd or political intrests? I do sincerly hope so.Ohterwise it is to be just another urban development, but just using the sea bed as property capital, rahter than using terestial capital.

Anonymous said...

I'll be suprised to see an unbiased point of view on your website so I'll publish this comment in a few other places.

As for Ross Minett's comments on facebook, as a developer you'd think you'd have a bit more sense than being so outwardly bias. Obviously set to reap the financial benefits of this project from your comments. Genius!

I see you losing a fair bit of support. You can't gain support from a majority leftist community (Fremantle if you don't know what that is) when its so bleedingly obvious you are going to be profiting in some way from this.

Another thing, how many times do you think people are going to be conned into "a good development" because sharky developers throw around words like "sustainbility".

All I see is a charade of "keywords". i.e, If you don't disrupt the seabed in the first place, you wouldn't have to regenerate it.

All housing is going the way you've suggested, so its nothing new. Get with the times man. You aren't cutting edge!

Sure there is a population pressure in Perth, sprawl is a problem if you see it from that angle. Most don't for your information, but to move into the sea? How is that possibly sustainable? What about the volumes of concrete, lime, steel and the energy needed to build those islands?
I'd love to see you factor in the quantities of carbon produced by building these islands, and don't give that lame excuse that you'll offset it by planting some trees. With that logic, we'd all be out committing crimes and offsetting them with good deeds.

Also, a sustainable community wouldn't promote the use of some 4000 petrol-guzzling boats.

Here is what happens when I sit in on meetings with you lot. I'm a builder by the way.

Developer 1:
Duh, what do we need to get this thing across the line..

Developer 2:
Duhhhh, maybe the word sustainbility, usually works. Duhh.

I look forward to the day this word is further defined so it can't be so recklessly associated with an environmental conscience. The ACCC are onto you. It won't be long

You guys are just lucky that there are less educated people than yourselves. Its what makes the rich richer eh?

It isn't that hard to put-forth something really clever. You guys have missed the mark here.

Good luck getting this one thru. Then again, who said capitalism wasn't a good thing.

Your proposal defies logic and is horrendously misconstrued energy-consuming scar on the coastline. The one location in Perth that should be protected before any other.

Anonymous said...

Chester you're a builder...yeah that industry is a paragon of efficiency and honesty... Come finish my house you lazy bum.

The sea bed at Rous Head is dead - watch the video - THAT IS THE REAL SEA FLOOR. If there is no development, there is no regeneration - it stays dead...

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Anonymous said...

The presentation of North Port Quay looks all very nice but for the population to absorb it in any detail in a short period of time is a little unrealistic human nature being what it is.I can see the plan has merit but it's the finer detail that will get me over the line and I suspect that will go for many others too....including the Premier , the Port Authority and the member for Fremantle. Promoting the project to the public at large will take time ....and probably more than less. A creeping approach with information released bit by bit will probably have more positive effect than a bombarding approach with Mr and Mrs average more able to absorb what is being proposed. Having ' Interest ' Groups pushing their individual barrows is not good for the public image. Anything like that should be co-ordinated and presented as community thinking if the project is to achieve acceptance in a reasonable time frame....and I imagine like most things time is of the essence !!
I look forward to hearing more on the subject in time.

Anonymous said...

This magnificent proposal deserves all the support it can get.

With all the checks and balances it will have to go through prior to any approval will more than ensure that it will be in the best interests of the people of western Australia. I congratulate those involved for their superb vision.

Anonymous said...

Perth and Western Australis is exeriencing the biggest mining and resources boom in the history of modern man. What happens when this boom finally ends? what will make us a unique.
Have a look at what is happening in Dubai, they are preparing their country for when they can no longer rely on oil as a natural resource to drive their economy.

What will drive their economy in the future? TOURISM !!. This development will put this state on the world map, it will drive tourism $$ into Perth and Western Australia like we have never seen before....I want to live in a place that continues to prosper with vision for the future for my kids.
Guess what, the developers will propably make a whole heap of money !!, they deserve it by having the courage to take this project forward. Steven - Fremantle

Anonymous said...

I support Chester's comments. In particular, "Also, a sustainable community wouldn't promote the use of some 4000 petrol-guzzling boats."

You'd think that the developer's ideaspeople would have presented a yacht club idea to distance themselves from fossil fuels, pollution and rising sea levels concerns of deeper thinking Australians.

Or is a yacht club precinct an elitist realm?

I swim over the sandy seabed of many of Perth's beaches and just because a scape looks barren doesn't mean it is devoid of life.

Haven't you ever watched a David Attenbrough nature documentary.

It would be better to be sea grass meadows but the place isn't an underwater desert.

The smart fish are camouflaged. You have to float gently and quietly, and look closely. What do those fisherpeople catch off the north mole, day after day?

If you siphon up some sand at any of the Perth's southern beaches, you'd be amazed at the richness of sealife and zooplankton species that live amongst the grains at the foundation of marine food chains.

A video is limiting and easily edited. A swim or snorkel is a revelation and full of discovery. If you do it regularly you see more and more, and you get fit.

Anonymous said...


There are many other ways and places for your group to make money on projects of this kind. This is a totally unnecessary and unwelcome development. It is without merit and screams out as simply an exercise in making money.

Why not use the “Creativity” your group claims in a more constructive manner. A manner that may still create wealth for your investors but at the same time add value to, and benefit, the communities upon which your developments will impact.

Without doubt this project will have an overwhelmingly negative impact on Fremantle and the surrounding communities as well as the people of Perth who use the beaches and facilities in and around Fremantle.

Anonymous said...

This is something that Perth should have had years ago, goodluck with the plans and I hope it goes ahead.

ps: If Jim doesn't want it in his backyard can it be built at Hillarys :-)

Anonymous said...

This is a superb concept. I was initially against the idea, having heard about "islands" being built out in the ocean. I had visions of the magnificent panorama of the ocean being seriously marred by multistory buildings between the beach and Rottnest.

Having now viewed the plans, however, I think this is a truly wonderful development. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe that anyone who has an interest in boating, fishing, swimming, or the ocean in general - or who enjoys the ambience of port towns like Fremantle - would find this development anything but highly desirable.

I strongly recommend that you make efforts to publicise the actual location and nature of this development. I suspect that there are a lot of people who misunderstand, as I did, the true character of this project.

I wish you the best of luck with the project

Anonymous said...

I would love a project of this capacity to happen in this area but as we all know all the Nimby's will come out in full force as they always do in Perth.

I must admit though the tide is turning in Perth,and the younger generation are demanding change,i am 42 and fully support this project as do our circle of friends.

Please keep in mind while everyone whinges about reclaiming some of the seabed,if this area is not developed keep in mind how much further out Perth is going to continue to sprawl and that in its self is not sustainable.

Thankyou for a great vision and lets hope the wider community get behind this project,here's wishing.

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Anonymous said...

My wife and I feel that this project would be tremendous for Western Australia and hope the project team does not give up on the proposal. Our current premier and attorney are so lacking in for sight so much so that it is frightening. Please don’t give up.

They will continue to operate in such a way that they have no idea at all what the Western Australian’s wanted.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Jim McGinty and Melissa Parke are against this proposal and hope that Peter Tagliaferri comes around - if he doesn't, he won't be Mayor of Fremantle for much longer. This development in no way represents the interests of Fremantle's residents. As Melissa said, Fremantle has never had the Dullsville tag. If the rest of Perth wants a Dubai style development they can have it - and us Freo locals will all sit back and sigh with relief...

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Anonymous said...

As a Freo person born and bred, I think there has been too much development around the area already. Rouse Head has stuffed up Port beach, the boat harbours to the south of the river mouth stuffed South Beach. All of the so called experts never get it right when they predict the outcome of these developments.
In these days of high energy prices and shortages of fuel all we need is places to park more stink boats.
Port Coogee is a good example of Developers taking over the seaside and pushing the public inland, that should never have happened. STOP this one now

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea, North Port Quay sounds fantastic. It is about time Fremantle got dragged into the 21st century.

I went down there last weekend for the first time in a long time. The place is like a slum, graffiti, smashed windows and derelict buildings everywhere. I welcome the idea of spending money onFremantle, the place needs a facelift. It just has nothing to offer right now.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on this are:

- looks to be an exciting project if done correctly
- can't help thinking about the impact of buffeting Fremantle Doctor wind, and also the corrosion impact of salt sea spray on houses, vehicles, etc

- vehicle traffic would be an issue that needs to be thoroughly investigated

Pie in the sky
- Looking at the promotional video, reminds me of the Docklands in Melbourne and made me think, what a fantastic site to build a football stadium like the Telstra Dome (with a retractable roof) - maybe in 10 years time there may be a requirement for a facility like this ?

Anonymous said...

Don’t listen to the nay sayers and the stuck ups in Fremantle with their NIMBY attitude. It’s a great idea, a huge asset for the state and I really really hope that it goes ahead. I will be quite happy to vote against Carpenter for his stupid attitude (one of many).

What you have proposed is visionary, aesthetically pleasing and as long as environmental consequences are considered and properly managed and public access to beaches is unimpeded (no paid parking please) I am 100% in favour of it.

As a country resident it would be great to have a decent ocean front hotel where we could go and be by the water. The only developments along the beachfront in Perth are either really poxy or inaccessible.

Anonymous said...

North Port Quay is an excellent idea, I don't know why Alan Carpender and the others don't like it. Fremantle is about to get a great upgrade, and they're not being thankful. It's helping them, in my point of view. Please, all opposed, try to understand that this will affect you... in a good way.

Anonymous said...

We have just read a report about Greg Poland and Colin Weston (developers) in the Sunday Times. I'm not sure whether to believe their altruistic claims about leaving a legacy for West Australians but I commend them on their vision. If their co-investors are prepared to put their money into the preliminary aspects of the proposal, I say good luck to them. If it gets the environmental and planning approvals I for one would support it.

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to see the long term benefit to our state of this type of development.Much is made of the green aspect and the carbon nuetral designs,but as much of the money that will be used to fund this development comes from the mining boom of the last couple of years,I feel that it would better to try and spend money in other areas of the state instead of everything being centered in Perth.
All the advantages of the green design wiil be wiped out if all the people living there commute to remote communities to work in large jets.We are also ignoring ninety five percent of our state and using most of it as only a place to go to work.If the amount of money envisaged to be spent in this development was spread around the state it would be much better for the whole environment and economy,
Colin of Wanneroo

Anonymous said...

G'day Northportquayers,

North Port Quay will block the swell to Leighton and Port beach, when there is swell about there would be over 300 surfers stretched along the beach maybe double on weekends.

I understand that a artificial reef may be built if the proposal goes ahead. This however (If it indeed works) will not come close to fill the demand created by the destruction of a good and iconic surfing beach.

Artificial reefs are not guaranteed to work; the expensive Cables artificial reef, built at North Leighton beach will only break a few times a year.

There will be significant opposition from the surfing community.

If your still bent on creating your little Dubai should build south of the Port where it will not effect surf.

Anonymous said...

Whilst I love the idea and concept and it would be great if it went ahead I doubt if this will get off the ground.

We are so so backward in WA with regards to development. Over the past 5 years we have seen dozens and dozens of ideas on the front page of the West Australian about how good the Perth foreshore and Northbridge are going to look. Not one of them has ever got off the ground :(

Never mind that in the past 10 years most of the other capital cities in Australia have gone ahead and incorporated their water ways into a vibrant part of their cities. Even in the face of so called public outcry they went ahead and now have facilities that everyone flocks too.

Alas in WA we are destined to continue to be the backwards looking state that nothing every happens except digging resources out of the soil and exporting it.

The North Port Quay is a beautifully ambitious project but when we cant even build a jetty on the Swan River how on earth are we going to get this off the ground !!!

I wish you all the best of luck. You will need every once of it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just remembering all those investors in Orbital Engine Co.
The money poured in by State and Fed Governments.
The Promises made to Employees by one of the States richest Men.
This will end up a burden on the taxpayers of the state while the promoters will take thier windfall and leave .History will repeat

Anonymous said...

Great that the concept is entirely funded by the private sector. No doubt this is after paying for the seabed.

will the funding be for ongoing costs of the project as well?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, My husand (Dave) and I just want to say good luck with this development. Freo has needed something like this for a long time, its going to be fantastic. Well done, and push on despite the negativity, which I guess will be a lot .

Anonymous said...

will a firm be formed to undertake this project? what are its proposed legal obligations? will the council, port authority, government and community be indemnified for all ongoing capital and operating costs arising from the project? how long would such an indemnity operate for?

Anonymous said...

In response to Anonymous...

A joint venture has been formed to present this concept to the wider community. Issues such as indemnification, operating costs and responsibility will be identified in the course of the community consultation and discussions with the relevant agencies and key stakeholders.

Anonymous said...

I think this is an excellent development idea. I really hope it goes ahead as it will provide a great boost to the Fremantle and Perth communities in people infrastructure. As well as showing Australia that Perth is not a backward country town still.

Also it will be fantastic to develop the Fremantle – Leighton areas – as they are largely wasted by industry.

Go for it! I hope this gets developed!